Granite-Makeover views( 0 ) likes( 0 ) shares( 0 ) :: 2 years ago

Common Edge options

1. Bevel: This edge option has a slight slant to it and can be used to create an angled look. 2. Bullnose: This edge option is rounded, creating a smoother look and feel. 3. Ogee: This edge option has a curved “S” shape and can add a decorative touch to any countertop. 4. Dupont: This edge option features two straight sides and a curved inner edge, creating a V-shaped look. 5. Demi-bullnose: This edge option is similar to the bullnose but with a slightly flatter edge. 6. Laminated: This edge option combines two separate materials to create a unique look. 7. Waterfall: This edge option is popular for creating a modern look. It features a vertical drop down the side of the countertop. 8. Full-bullnose: This edge option is similar to the bullnose but with a much more rounded edge. 9. Beveled-bullnose: This edge option combines the bevel edge with the bullnose edge, creating a unique look.

Granite Makeover

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