Countertop PPC Marketing

Drive customers and test messaging to convert to sale from day #1

Ai Google ads is not all i

The only way for a small business to be successful with google ads is to drive traffic from customers looking to buy the products and services that they sell. This works well with the original keywords targeting. The new Ai powered campaigns drive impression across googles networks of low value impressions. Increase revenue for google and will cause you to believe that google ads does not work for your business. These Ai campaigns treat you like a big brand in that more impression means more sales.. This is not the power of googles platform and they have forgotten this. They have buried the most powerful tools and are making it difficult to even find the tools and the campaign settings that actually work. I have previously posted this correlation between AI traffic and Manual campaign Setup. 500% increase in targeted traffic. The results are staggering. Don't fall for the Hype.

Ai Google ads
not all its cracked up to be
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Lead Management
countertop Advertising service


Google Ads campaign automa

SO I have a partner that was running a DIY campaign on google and it was not going well to say the least. So i gained access to the account and corrected many aspects of the campaign and started monitoring the results... then the campaign fails. So I fix it again. and happens all over again.. I ask my partner .. Are you doing something to the account? No.. so I dig in a little further to find out that a new options are available to automatically apply recommendations that is buried and no notification is sent that these updates are being applied.. He is going from 30 clicks a day down to 4. I always shut this off first when the campaign is created(in this case I did not setup the campaign so it was not top of mind for me. Google would not make this recommendation either because they want you to automate to turn on the money sucking machine.) All recommendations are designed for google to make more money. They are not designed to bring you the best most relevant customers. most of the new campaigns and new features are all for this purpose. They have immense amounts of traffic on games and youtube that they are not monetizing and while you are asleep at the wheel letting them make changes to the account they are triggering this RON style campaign on your budget sucking the money out of your pocket. When you get the "call" from google its not google its a person that has taken googles course on how to **** the money out of advertisers pockets and into google pocket. That is all!

Google Ads campaign automation warning
countertop marketing
countertop SEO
countertop Lead Generation
Lead Management
countertop Advertising service


Drive countertop customers

Engaging customers on social media is key to leveraging social media for countertop marketing. We have developed a formula that drives awareness from social and increase branded search from customers in your local market.

countertop marketing
countertop SEO
countertop Lead Generation
Lead Management
countertop Advertising service
Drive countertop customers with social


Google Ad Countertop Marke

Contextual advertising is the fastest way to drive customers looking for your products. To test your message and your ability to convert todays customer. We work with you to drive the direct to consumer engine and test your teams ability to close countertops sales. We track all aspects of the process so we know what's coming through this channel and your teams ability to close the retail customer.

countertop marketing
countertop SEO
countertop Lead Generation
Lead Management
countertop Advertising service
Google Ad Countertop Marketing

Countertop Marketing

Local Countertop Marketing Professionals Since 2008

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